Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Stuck in Folsom Prison

Ever get that feelling like you just fucked up big time. I got that feeling at my new job today, and I am hoping that it was just the first day jitters. For starters, I am officially on lockdown. The new gig blocks the usual sites like Myspace, ESPN and Facebook, which isn't too unusual, but they even block Gmail. No personal email and they frown upon IM. WTF? Couple that with the fact that I sit across from my boss who can see everything I do, and my glory days of downloading music, finding new bands and blogging are in serious jeopardy. I was in the chocolate factory, but my curiousity got the best of me and the oompa loompas took me away.

Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise you'll listen to me
What do you get from a new position?
A pain in the neck and the Spanish Inquisition
Why don't you try simply doing some work?
Or are you just being a jerk?
You'll get no...You'll get no
You'll get no...You'll get no
You'll get no... personal e-e-e-e-mail
Oompa Loompa Doompadee Dah
If you're not lazy you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the OompaOompa
Loompa doompadee do

Also, my new job is just one big blast of culture shock. As I got the tour of the facility, complete with introductions to every single person, I felt like it was Rush week on campus and I was hoping to get a bid to the fraternity of my choice. The introductions were an exercise in deja vu, this is Matt he's 24, white, and likes the Dave Matthews Band. And here we have Ryan, he's 23, white, and loves Pearl Jam. Here's Greg, he's 26, white, and loves Radiohead. Ten years ago this would have been a dream job, but today I've traded happy hours for dinners with a few close friends, doing shots in the clubs for playtime with my daughter and lap dances for laying on the couch watching football. Call me old, call me boring, just don't call me to come out drinking on a Tuesday night.

Hopefully, I can rally, adapt and make this situation work. I am just trying to hang in there long enough for the free trip to Jamaica in January. Mr. Marley play me out of this post..."Don't worry, about a thing. Cause every little thing gonna be alright."


Kristi Campbell said...
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Kristi Campbell said...
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Anonymous said...

Dude, I know that feeling. By the way, I sit across from my boss and he can hear EVERY word I say on the phone. It's awful. No wonder my head hurts all time. Can we all just go back to MSHOW? -Chid

Unknown said...

I must be the white guy who liked Dave Matthews Band 10 years ago. I still like'em but I don't listen to them on a daily basis anymore. I pretty much stick to my Miles Davis station on Pandora.

Jason C said...

I recommend using your company name in each post, that way they show up in the Google alerts.