Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Don't Like Talking About My Flare

So far this week I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be. Ok, so maybe I did a few things like changed out a lightbulb on the back porch, cleaned up the garage, sold some shit on Craigslist and did some shopping, but mostly I laid around the house watching TV, taking naps and basking in the glow of having zero work responsibilities. Some people say that being home all the time would get old, and maybe it would, but this week has been care free and it has been glorious.

My only setback has been not being able to find Journey's "The Party's Over (Hopelessly in Love)" to download for less than $.99. Everytime I listen to XM while I play Wii I hear a new Journey tune that I don't have on my iPod. It's really an odd phenomenon, it's like they have this storage of hits that were big on the radio back in the day, but completely forgettable. Then, out of nowhere they pop on XM and some dusty unused Steve Perry synapse in my brain is triggered and bam I am on the computer trying to scratch an itch I didn't know I had.
So here I am with two days of complete freedom left and while I know that the party's almost over, I really must go and check out this chick on channel 9 who looks like Peter Gibbons girlfriend.

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