Friday, July 11, 2008

Does Anyone Remember Laughter?

As I mentioned in my previous post, TV is pretty much sucking a sweaty taint right now (nice visual huh?). So last night I landed on the train wreck Last Comic Standing and holy shit they should rename this show Worst Comic Standing or No One Laughing. Does NBC really think that this country is made up of a bunch of five year olds? About 90% of this show would only be funny to someone who has never heard a joke before in their entire lives, and even then, not so much.

First, you have the minority comics whose entire act is making fun of their own race's stereo types. The Asian girl (Esther Ku) making fun of being smart or driving badly or mixing up L's and R's, is this really still funny to someone? Ooh look an Indian comic (Papa CJ), here come the outsourcing jokes, ooh look a heavy black woman comic, stand back here come the attitude jokes. I'm not being a comedy snob because I like a good ethnic joke as much as the next guy, but c'mon at least try to not be so blatantly obvious with your material.
Esther Ku here is a Haiku about how I feel when I watch you perform:
Shut up oh shut up
Shut up oh shut the fuck up!
Shut up shut up, Now!
Then you get the lowest form of comedy, the bottom of the barrell, the dreaded comedy "team". More than one person on the stage automatically equals not funny, and if the comedy team is made up of twins, then you may as well punch yourself in the crotch twice, because they will undoubtedly be doubly unfunny.

There were a few tolerable comics that made it through to the finals, so there is hope that I might laugh once or twice during the remainder of this series, but watching this show truly only satisfies my masochistic tendencies.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go work on some material for next season.

So I was at a Chicago concert the other night, I know, imagine that a middle-aged white guy at a Chicago concert, go figure, and I was drinking a micro-brew, I know, imagine that a middle-aged white guy drinking a micro-brew, go figure, and this soccer Mom walked by with a huge camel toe and I said "Hey it looks like someone is smuggling a yo-yo into this show".

2009 finalist? Bet on it.


Anonymous said...

It's Chid. I like the Zeppelin reference in the title of this blog (from Stairway To Heaven in the Song The Remains The Same DVD). Good joke too. That show is so bad I can't watch it. Koodos to you for being able to do so!

Crawdaddye said...

I try to use a music reference for all of my post titles. Thanks for commenting on my shit, it's the only way I know anyone is out there.