Monday, January 7, 2008

Welcome Back My Friends...

This is the theme to Erik's blog,
The theme to Erik's blog.
Erik called me up and asked if I would write his blog theme.
I'm almost halfway finished, How do you like it so far?
How do you like the theme to Erik's blog?
This is the theme to Erik's blog, The opening theme to Erik's blog.
These are the words that you read for the first post in his blog.
We're almost to the part of where I start to whistle.
Then we'll read "It's Erik Crawford's blog".
This was the theme to Erik Crawford's blog.

Going deep into the land of lost sitcoms for that one, but if you're going to navigate the inner workings of my neuro-landscape via this blog, then you're going to need to be well versed in pop culture.

For those of you who had a feeling that something was missing this holiday season, something wasn't quite right, something was askew if you will, then you must have missed my annual x-mas letter. My PR answer was that 9 years was a good place to end the streak, but the truth is I was lazy this year. I have a new gig where I write the corporate blog, I have a new house where I seem to be constantly wiring light fixtures, and I have the new kid who needs more attention than Britney Spears. I didn't run into prostitutes in Atlantic City or interview any rock stars at Lollapalozza this year, so the material for my letter would have been limited to parental strife, and I decided to save that for this blog. I will try and write at least one entry per week, so instead of one long letter in December you can get a weekly dose of semi-coherent musings.

Lucky you!

OK, now that we're moved in and getting acquainted, like the first episode of a Real World season, I'd like to officially welcome you all to the ramblings of a suburban middle-aged white man. Prepare to see what happens when I stop being polite and start getting real. Now let's all get drunk and play truth or dare in the hot tub.

This season on Craw's Words you'll get new music reviews, somewhat amusing anecdotes, Maggie updates and much more.

Stay Tuned...


ck said...

How 'yinz doin'? Missed the Christmas letter but boy do I understand!! I had to be the first to post so that when you hit the big time I can say I was your boy from the beginning! You have gotta talk about Uncle Wayne! We need a helmet-cam on him 24/7. You remember back in the day when you, Chid and I talked about doing a movie Office Space style? Well, now that we are getting old and slow and have the kids running around, we have to be able to come up with 90 minutes of footage somewhere. I swear, something good has to come out of wiping up all of that shit and mopping up all of the spew from your clothes. You can do it! Oh yeah, How 'Bout Them Cowboys!!! I'll be checking in! Peace! CK

Jason C said...

Welcome to the Interwebs and the blogging world. Now you're the second blogging Crawford. I was thinking about having a personal blog, too, but just haven't brought that to fruition. Anyway - good first post and I put it on my iGoogle, so I'll see the rest.
