So that was the start of my trip. After Breezewood, which is about half way between Virginia and Pittsburgh, the weather started to clear up a bit, but not before I got to have my fun on the road to hell, they call the Pennsylvania Turnpike. I'm rolling down the highway doing about 70 and I look to my left and there is a cement wall two inches from my truck. Then, I look to the right and there is a huge semi two inches from my side mirror. Then, I look in the rear view and some douchebag from Ohio is two inches from my bumper. The rain is still coming down and if I make even the slightest error we will be playing Ford Explorer pinball. Like Luke Skywalker attacking the Death Star, I used the force, pushed the accelerator down and prayed for the best. Jesus fucking Christ, Jesus fucking Christ, Jesus fucking Christ, I make it past the semi and immediately merge right. Yeah bitches, suck it! Luckily, my Mom had a crowbar in the garage, because I needed it to loosen my grip on the steering wheel when I got to Pittsburgh.
The rest of my trip was rather uneventful. I got spend some time in the land of mustaches and jean shorts watching da Stillers whoop up on the lowly Texans, before returning back to Northern Virginia. I am off this week, so hopefully I'll conjure up a few posts, but I really need to work on my Wii Mario Cart skills and sell a bunch of shit on Craigslist. Priorities people. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go jam to Bob Seger in my living room and then find some pants so that I don't get arrested at the grocery store.

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