Friday, January 11, 2008

OCD easy as 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3

I'm a tool for many reasons, like the fact that I tivo Jon&Kate Plus 8 every Monday night, or that I secretly enjoy Dido, but my OCD tops the list for dumb things that I have to do daily.

1. All of the change in my car has to be head's up. I actually spend time arranging coins to ensure a safe transportation experience. I even spend time arranging the change in other people's cars. Shoot me now!

2. All of the bills in my wallet need to be in order from smaller to larger denominations. All bills must face the same way and older bills need to be in the back. It takes me a good 10 minutes at the ATM to get this transaction in order.

3. Whenever I even think about a cop on the highway I need to tap my crotch 3 times, signifying knocking on wood, so that I don't get a ticket. "Excuse me officer but you can put your pad away because I clearly tapped my crotch 3 times so this ticket is void."

4. If I see an Acura car on the road I need to say the South Park line "Acura's are good cars" from the halloween epsiode last year. Amy hates this one, so I have to say it quietly to myself when she's in the car.

5. Whenever I go through intersections in the car I tap the steering wheel at the first cross walk to open "the door"and then tap it as much as possible before I tap it for the final time at the other cross walk to "close the door". I don't know how or why this one started, but it's one I wish I could stop doing.

6. When I get to work and have everything set up, I rub the bottom of this Iranian figurine that sits on my desk 3 times to start my day.

7. Steelers - I pick one hat and one towel and I have to use those for the entire season. This year I wore a hat for 3 games and that resulted in 3 losses to the Cardinals, Jets and Jags. Those losses were my bad.

8. My terrible towel has to be folded a different way for each quarter and needs to be 'reset' if it gets touched. Reset = swipe hand across it 1/2 way to the left, 1/2 way to the right and then one sweeping swipe across the whole towel, then pushed up and down 3 times. I get a ton of shit, and a bunch of crazy looks for this one.

9. During the Steeler's seasons when I do wear a hat, I have to wear it forward for offense and backward for defense. This one isn't my fault though, I got it from a Steelers bar in Eastern Maryland.

10. In the shower I have to count to ten in German, Spanish, French and English before I can get out and dry off. I've been doing this one, ein, uno, un, since high school.

So there you have it, my top 10 OCD activities that waste hours of my time every year. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go and organize my spices into alphabetical order.

I know a lot of you have little quirks, and you can leave a comment if you want to contribute your OCD experiences.


Jason C said...

What about TV volume and how it has to be on certain numbers? I can't say that I have OCD about anything...I think you got all of those. I really have no order at all - to anything. Organization by disorganization.


Unknown said...

According to this test, I'm not crazy, I'm just paranoid.